Anukta Dravya
N – UKATAM – ANUKTAM” i.e. which has not been said
or stated or documented (ukta) in Ayurvedic texts. Thus anukta dravya means all
those folklore plants which do exist in India but are not mentioned in
Ayurvedic classical literature which include Brihattrayi, Laghuttrayi and
Many important medicinal plants have been red listed and many are on the way.
Anukta dravyas may solve the problem of scarcity of medicinal plants.
We are in era of newly emerging diseases, anukta dravyas may help in finding
their solution.
Anukta dravya can pave a way to the discovery of novel compound.
Ethno-botanical studies carry a great importance in Ayurveda. Charak clearly
directs to collect information about known and unknown dravyas from forest
dwellers, shepherds, tribes etc. [5]. Their serious studies may expand our
knowledge of herbs.
· Above all, it is our duty to keep introducing new
dravyas in Dravyaguna Vigyan so as to maintain the sashwata (everlasting)
feature of Ayurveda.